
Tired of dealing with pesky spiders crawling around your home? Forget about using insecticides and other harmful chemicals that can only harm your family and pets. With the use of natural products, you can usher these annoying insects out of your home and prevent them from coming back.
What’s more, there are no health risks linked with these natural solutions to get rid of spiders. So, you are doing your family – and even the environment – a huge favor by relying on these products instead of the usual insecticides available at the store.
Say goodbye to these critters once and for all, and check out these tried and tested tips to keep spiders out of your home – permanently.
1. Prepare a homemade solution to eliminate spiders
Even with regular household ingredients, you can create an effective and all-natural solution that will surely send spiders hurrying towards the door. For this natural insecticide, you will need about 5 drops of essential oil (lemon, peppermint, lavender, neem or tea tree), a liquid dishwashing soap, a few drops of white vinegar and warm water.
Simply place all of these ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well. Then, spray the contents to egg sacs that you see lying around, as well as old webs where some spiders may be found. Be sure to spray the solution to areas that are frequented by spiders, particularly dark and dusty places in your home. Use this solution regularly until you no longer see these critters within your home’s vicinity.

2. Use natural products to deter spiders
The best way to get rid of spiders is to use any items that they absolutely hate and place these in areas where they often go to. Whether it is the basement, closet, window sills, or any dusty spots at home, have these natural products ready to block any spider’s path. These items include eucalyptus leaves, baking soda, orange oil and tiny pieces of Hedge Apples. Since these are safe and all-natural products, there are no health risks if ever your pets find these lying around.
3. Keep spiders out by sealing their usual passages
While you are working on getting rid of spiders in your home, be sure there are no more critters coming in. Seal any holes or cracks that may serve as an entryway for these insects. You may use caulk in filling any large gaps or spaces in windows or doors. This material may also be used around faucets, cables and just about anything that spiders may use to crawl on and get inside your home. If you notice any holes in your window screens, be sure to fix these right away. Vents should also be covered with a fine mesh to prevent any insects including spiders from entering your home.
4. Get rid of spider webs with your vacuum cleaner
As soon as you spot a spider or a spider web in your home, get your vacuum cleaner and just get rid of these the quickest way. Be sure to vacuum up egg sacs, webs and even adult spiders that you can find. However, this technique as described in this post about how to get rid of spiders, is only effective if you are trying to catch smaller spiders. If there is a population of large spiders in your home, you may have to think of another way since vacuuming may prove to be ineffective.
In case you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, you can always sweep away webs on the ceiling. You can also drive away spiders with a broom, although they may only escape once caught in-between the broom’s bristles. Just be sure to swat any critters you can find on the floor and wipe the area afterward.
5. Apply peppermint oil to drive away spiders
Several homeowners who rely on natural techniques prefer to use peppermint oil as a way to get rid of spiders naturally. You may either dab this essential oil along pathways of these insects, or you may mix the oil with some water, put the mixture in a spray bottle and just fill the area with peppermint oil solution. Since spiders can never tolerate the strong scent of this oil, they are likely to run away and leave areas where you have placed this compound.
6. Make spider traps and find a strategic location to place these
Homemade spiders traps are great for catching these insects in common areas where they love to hide and crawl around including bathrooms, kitchens, garages, and basements. You may use some glue boards or similar products where spiders can stick and remain stuck as they crawl on these traps. What’s more, these products are disposable and non-toxic, so there are no health concerns linked with using these. Just avoid having these boards on areas where you and your family often walk on, so you won’t end up getting stuck on these accidentally.
7. Consider using soapy water to kill spiders
Aside from essential oils and vinegar, soapy water or liquid soap dish may be potent enough to kill spiders in an instant. Just spray soapy water on areas where you can spot spiders crawling around, although the effect may take longer, as compared to killing these insects with vinegar.
8. Keep your home clean
If there is one thing you need to know about spiders, it’s the fact that they love areas that are dark, dusty and messy. So, if you are still dwelling in a home that is full of clutter, then it is utterly impossible for you to completely eliminate spiders permanently.
So, as you apply these natural techniques on how to eliminate spiders, be sure to start cleaning up your home. Get rid of boxes, fabric, or any clutter under your bed, on the floor, or in the basement. Moreover, never leave crumbs of food on the floor, which can only attract more spiders to stay in your home. Not only that, but you are also encouraging other pests to enter such as cockroaches, ants, and even mice.
9. Fight off spiders with a spray of vinegar
Vinegar is not only great for disinfecting and cooking, but it is also useful as a deterrent for insects such as ants and spiders. With this in mind, consider getting rid of spiders by combining equal parts of water and vinegar in an empty cologne bottle or spray bottle. Just spray the solution onto areas where you can find spiders to kill these insects instantly. Then, be sure to put small open containers full of vinegar in dark areas in your home, as the strong odor of this solution is enough to send spiders scurrying towards the door.
Even with natural and safe products, you can still eliminate spiders without causing harm to your household members. However, if this issue becomes worse, be sure to consult a professional that can handle the tough job of getting rid of spiders permanently.