Most people nowadays are motivated to save money where they can. With simple things being so expensive and job security not what it used to be, money is a larger concern than it was twenty years ago. Clipping coupons, hunting for sales and making your own versions of name brand items all help cut some costs, but there are tons of things people could be doing to save even more money that they donβt even realize.
Plus, often those money-saving tips people do use end up costing more money than saving. For example, buying meat in bulk when it’s on sale can save you tons of costs, but if you donβt use it before it spoils, youβve just wasted money instead.
However, before you decide that your money saving strategies arenβt actually saving money, there are ways to get that bulk food for the discount and not waste any money on spoiled food. You can also save money on batteries, utility and WiFi bills, and basic home cleaners. Many costs can be halved, or close, with very little effort from you. Occasionally, you might have to pay more upfront than you would for your go-to products, but the savings over time in these cases are drastic and well worth the slight increase in the initial cost. Other solutions may require you to be social and actually talk to your neighbors, but the result is well worth the required socialness.
For ways to reduce utility bills, make basic home cleaners, and keep that bulk food fresh, check out the video below. There are some great and inventive ideas for all sorts of money-saving areas.
The battery trick was pretty shocking, but if most of your battery use is for small appliances, like your remote control, you can half the cost of your battery purchases, and batteries can be expensive. The WiFi trick, of course, only works if you have a neighbor you can trust to split the bill with, which not everyone does. However, if you do, cutting an expensive internet bill in half can make a huge difference in your budget. And although those LED lights may seem too expensive to deal with, you canβt argue with a 40% savings in your electric bill. Not to mention you wonβt need to buy or change light bulbs nearly as often.