Pimples are something everyone deals with from time to time, but you do not have to. They result from bacteria and other debris getting into a pore and clogging it. They are essentially a hyper-localized infection, so the different remedies and treatments should be focusing on this.
You need to work to both eradicate the bacteria, as well as keep the pore cleared out, to maintain clear and healthy skin. You can work toward the clear skin and treat multiple types of pimples the minute you notice them. You can use home remedies, so there is no need for harsh products or treatments to remove blemishes from your skin.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
This type of vinegar kills bacteria to both treat acne already present and prevent future acne from occurring. It also balances the pH of the skin so that bacteria is not able to thrive and cause pimples.
2. Honey and Bacteria Mask
Honey is a natural antibiotic and Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties to conquer pimples. Make a mask mixing both of these together, apply it to clean skin, let it sit for 20 minutes and then wash it away.
3. Milk and Honey
Milk soothes the skin and can help to tone down the redness of pimples and honey has antibiotic properties. Create a mask and apply this to the skin for 20 minutes and then rinse away.

4. Egg Whites
Egg whites tighten the pores, help to reduce acne and they soak up extra oil on the skin. Take three egg whites and make a mask, apply this to the skin for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash the skin thoroughly.
5. Papaya
Papaya helps to eliminate excess oil from the surface of the skin, and it gently exfoliates dead skin cells. Since a buildup of dead skin cells and oil can lead to clogged pores and pimples, this helps to keep skin clear.
6. Orange Peels
Orange peels are very refreshing for the skin, and they also contribute to clean out the pores so that pimples cannot form. Vitamin C works as an astringent to shrink pores and prevent buildup.
7. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the most popular remedies for acne because it eliminates dead skin cells and cuts through excess oil on the skin to keep it clean. It also has natural antibacterial properties to maintain the skin in balance.
8. Strawberries
Strawberries contain salicylic acid, and this is known to dry up and treat pimples. You can mix mashed strawberries and some honey to create a facial scrub to combat pimples.
9. Banana Peels
Banana peels contain lutein, and this nutrient helps to alleviate inflammation and swelling. Just rub the peel on acne-prone areas to help eliminate pimples and cleanse the skin.
10. Aloe
Aloe is beneficial for a broad range of skin complaints, including acne. Aloe is also one of the few excellent home remedies forΒ canker sore. Β It is an effective spot treatment, and it can frequently be used because it does not irritate the skin.
11. Baking Soda
Most people think about their teeth when they think about baking soda, but this works well for acne too. Make a paste with some baking soda and water and apply the paste directly to a pimple to treat it.
12. Lemon Juice
A little lemon juice gently exfoliates the skin, and it works to reduce redness to make pimples less visible. Just apply it to problem areas to reduce breakouts and prevent new ones.
13. Steam
Steam opens up your pores so that all of the gunk and buildups can be removed. This prevents oil, bacteria and dead skin cells from building up and causing breakouts.
14. Garlic
Garlic is believed to have powerful antibacterial properties, making it ideal to treat pimples. Make sure that you are using whole, natural garlic and make it into a paste to treat problem areas.
15. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is great at soothing the skin, and it helps to reduce the size of breakouts. Make fresh oatmeal and make sure to use a natural brand that does not contain sugar. Apply this as a mask for 20 minutes and then rinse it away.
16. Sugar Scrub
A little plain, white sugar helps to keep your skin smooth and your pores free of buildup. Only add a little to some honey for a natural and homemade facial scrub.
17. Avocado
Avocados are packed with helpful nutrients that balance your skin and work to prevent acne and other issues. You can mash up the fruit of an avocado and apply it directly to the skin to reap the benefits.
18. Fuller’s Earth
Might sound strange, but Fuller’s Earth is excellent at soaking up excess oil to keep the skin clear. Create a homemade mud mask by mixing it with sandalwood powder and rose water.
19. Toothpaste
Toothpaste is commonly touted as a remedy for pimples because it dries them out. Just apply a quick dab on a pimple and let this sit overnight as you sleep to dry out the blemish.
20. Fenugreek
You can find fenugreek leaves at natural food stores and then make a paste with them. Apply this paste to pimples to take advantage of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.
21. Neem Oil
Neem comes in oil form, and it helps to battle the bacteria that can lead to acne. Neem oil also contains powerful antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, and all of these combine to banish breakouts.
22. Mint
Mint has natural anti-inflammatory properties to help stop pimples in their tracks. Use fresh mint leaves to create a paste and apply this directly to the pimples to eliminate them.
23. B Vitamins
B vitamins are helpful for healthy skin, so supplementing with a B vitamin complex may help to alleviate pimples. Just talk to your doctor first to ensure the proper dose for you.
24. Ice
Pimples are inflamed, so icing them can bring down some of the redness and swellings so that they are not as noticeable. Only apply ice to a pimple for a few minutes to reduce inflammation.
25. Turmeric
Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory, and you can apply it right to the skin to fight pimples. Mix turmeric powder with natural honey to take advantage of a combination of bacteria and inflammation-fighting effects.
Bonus Tips:
Cucumbers are soothing, and they help to alleviate the redness of pimples. You can apply a fresh slice of cucumber directly to a pimple to soothe it. Ideally, allow the slice of fresh cucumber to sit on the pimple for at least 10 minutes to reap the benefits.
Do not Touch Your Face
Touching your face adds oils and dirt that can clog up your pores and cause more pimples to form. It means that you should also never squeeze pimples.
You can combine home remedies to improve your results. In fact, it is best to combine treatments so that you can fight off the germs and bacteria and keep the skin exfoliated. Using natural masks on your whole face will promote healthier overall skin and prevent future pimples.
Spot treatments help to treat current breakouts and improve the health of the pores they are affecting. Just make sure to do small test patches first to ensure that the home remedies for pimples do not irritate your skin.